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发布部门: 科技处  发布时间: 2016-01-20  浏览次数: 221



 报 告 人:陈岳云教授







     Tittle: Professor
     Position: Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

    Dr. Bill Y. Chen is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Professor in Business Administration at UWest. Dr. Chen received his Ph. D. with specialization in Finance/Insurance and M. A. in Economics both from the University of California, Santa Barbara. He received his Master’s degree with specialization in Management/Marketing from Tianjin University, China, and B. S. in Mathematics/ Statistics from Hongzhou University (now Zhejiang University), China.

    Dr. Chen has focused his research on Insurance, Finance, and Economics. Recently he has also written articles on China’s Economy and Government-owned Enterprise Reforms. He has published papers in these fields in academic journals and presented his research findings in national and international conferences.

    Dr. Chen is the member of several academic associations. He currently is the President of the Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME) and Vice President of the US International Talent Association.


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