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美国Salem State University 汤在勇博士来我校为我校师生做"模型思维与应用"学术报告

发布部门: 科技处  发布时间: 2015-05-05  浏览次数: 172

应我校国际教育学院邀请,美国Salem State University 汤在勇博士来我校为我校师生做专场学术报告,具体事宜如下:


   报 告 人:汤在勇











  编著《信息技术支撑下的战略管理:增加企业的回报》;发表国际刊物和国际会议录学术论文约五十篇。主持或参与科研项目,获科研基金三十余万美元。担任信息隐私及安全学报(Journal of Information Privacy and Security)副编辑,国际可持续性战略管理学报(International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management)副编辑。

  Profile of Zaiyong Tang

  Zaiyong Tang, born in Wanzhou, Chongqing in China. He obtained a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from Chongqing University in 1981, A Master’s degree in Metallic Materials from Chengdu University of Science and Technology (now merged with Sichuan University) in 1984, a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering (Transportation) from Washington State University in 1987, a Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from the University of Florida in 1992.

  Dr. Tang has taught as a lecturer in the Department of Metallic Materials at Chengdu University of Science and Technology, as an assistant professor at Concord University in West Virginia, as an assistant/associate professor at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, as assistant professor at Louisiana Tech University, and as an assistant/associate and a tenured professor at Salem State University. He is the department chair of the Marketing and Decision Sciences Department at Salem State University in Salem, Massachusetts, USA.

  His teaching expertise include principle of information system, network and security, database management, project management, production and operations, modeling and simulation. His research interests include agent-based modeling and simulation, neural networks, innovation diffusion, particle swarm optimization, network security, and strategic information systems.

  Dr. Tang’s academic achievements include an edited book titled “IT Enabled Strategic Management: Increasing return on the enterprises”. He has over fifty publications in refereed international journals and international conference proceedings. Dr. Tang has been a principal investigator and co-PI of several externally funded research projects and obtained grants of more than $300,000. Dr. Tang is an associate editor of Journal of Information Privacy and Security, and an associate editor of International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management.


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