“轻工论坛”2016第85期--菲律宾大学Henry Adorna教授来校做“Cells (and Neurons) Talking and Interacting to Solve (Hard)Problems”学术报告


应我校电气信息工程学院邀请,菲律宾大学Henry Adorna教授来校做“Cells (and Neurons) Talking and Interacting to Solve (Hard)”学术报告。具体事宜如下:

报告题目:Cells (and Neurons) Talking and Interacting to Solve (Hard)Problems

报 告 人:Henry Adorna

报告时间:20161213日下午 3:00到下午5:00






附:Henry Adorna教授简介及报告摘要

    简介:Henry Adorna是菲律宾大学计算机科学学院教授。2002年获得菲律宾大学数学博士学位。Henry Adorna教授是多个国际协会会员:膜计算协会(IMCS;计算机协会(ACM;欧洲计算协会(CiE;东南亚数学学会(SEAMS;菲律宾数学学会(MSP;菲律宾计算协会(CSP)。Henry Adorna教授是亚洲膜计算会议(ACM)和膜计算会议(CMC)指导委员会成员。


    报告摘要:In this talk/presentation we shall introduce a branch of natural computing called Membrane Computing. This computing paradigm was introduced by Gheorghe Paun in the 1998.The motivation was taken from the functioning of cells (and later neurons). It was shown that the so-called P systems and its variants are able to solve problems that are in the class NP. Since 1998, many different variants of P systems are introduced and also shown to be universal. It should also be noted that models of P systems are able to solve the hardest problems in NP in reasonable amount of time. In particular, we shall discuss variant of P systems that considers more importantly the amount of communications and interactions performed by the P systems in cooperatively solving (hard) problems. This kind of variant is the so-called distributed P systems or the dP Scheme.
