应我校电气信息工程学院邀请,摩尔多瓦科学院Artiom Alhazov教授来校做“Interactions in P systems”学术报告。具体事宜如下:
报告题目:Interactions in P systems
报 告 人:Artiom Alhazov
报告时间:2016年12月13日下午 3:00到下午5:00
附:Artiom Alhazov教授简介及报告摘要
简介:Artiom Alhazov,摩尔多瓦科学院数学和计算机科学研究所的高级研究员,学术带头人。2006年获得摩尔多瓦科学院数学和计算机科学学院理论计算机科学博士学位。2007年在芬兰的Åbo Akademi大学的计算生物模型实验室从事博士后研究;2008年至2010年,在日本广岛大学计算机科学基础实验室从事博士后研究。主要研究方向:并行分布式多集处理及串行处理。已发表20多篇国际期刊论文及35篇国际会议论文。
报告摘要:The goal of this presentation is to introduce membrane systems, focusing how various weak forms of interaction between finite kinds of elements of these system work together to reach universality/computational completeness (ability to implement any algorithm) and efficiency (ability to solve intractable problems in polynomial number of steps).The key concepts of membrane systems with symbol objects are multiset, rewriting, communication, parallelism and distributivity. Direct object-object interaction may be by rewriting, e.g. catalysts, possibly with states, or by communication, with or without rewriting. Alternatively, objects may interact with membranes, the membranes possibly having states.